Selling at a shopping centre kiosk is different to selling at an online store. Typically, kiosks have one person operating the business at a given time. Inline stores however, usually have a few employees ready to talk with customers after they walk in, in contrast to kiosk workers, who must engage passers-by. This makes it difficult to not only obtain the customer’s attention, but keep their interest long enough to make a sale. To follow are five tips on how to effectively sell products from your shopping centre kiosk.



  1. Create a Standout Visual Presentation


A successful shopping centre kiosk visual presentation:

  • is interactive
  • is colourful
  • is unique
  • creates interest

Revisiting your display and rearranging your products can help you find the most intriguing visual presentation.  If your display never changes, customers can easily ignore your display. Keeping your display fresh will draw the attention of shopping centre customers who have already passed by your kiosk and now see something new.

Try featuring a product each week, but keep your display simple. An overcrowded display can make it difficult for customers to see your individual products. A crowded display can create over stimulation, and even result in potential customers avoiding your kiosk.



  1. Have Friendly and Available Employees


Training your employees on how to sell products and engage customers is an excellent idea. Speak to them about not talking on mobile phones, looking distracted and or reading at the kiosk. Looking distracted can make passers-by feel as though they are intruding, and they may simply walk away.

Eye contact is important to customers, to show that the employee is available. Have your employees smile and say hello to shoppers, but in a non-abrasive way. Encourage your employees to make eye contact with customers and passers-by to show that the employee is available. A friendly kiosk employee is much more likely to make a sale than one who is not.



  1. Stay Customer Focused


This may seem obvious, but staying customer focused is advice often ignored by shopping centre kiosk employees.

A rehearsed script is not a good idea as it can make it appear that you are more interested in making a sale than caring about the products. Instead become familiar enough with the products to be able to comfortably speak knowledgeably and sincerely about them.

Encourage your customers to ask questions and answer them as honestly as you can. This will show your customer that you are listening, and their business is appreciated. Create a conversation with your customers, and address any feedback they have, whether it is negative or positive.



  1. Be Aware of Customer Traffic


Your customer traffic is valuable, so take full advantage of it. Pay attention to who is walking by and politely engage with them. Potential customers may pass by a shopping centre kiosk employee who is texting, reading or rearranging items. Staying aware of customer traffic to help can help boost sales.



  1. Think About Video


Draw attention from passers-by with a video incorporated into your display. Along with a well-organised product display, a looped video encouraging customer to learn about your products will pique their interest.