Reasons Trade Shows Are Here to Stay


With the rise of access to technology for communication during the last few years, there may be some that believe that trade exhibitions may become a thing of the past or become less important within the marketing strategy for some companies. They couldn’t be more wrong. Trade shows are more popular than ever, their effectiveness due to one simple factor that they bring to exhibitors and attendees: face to face interaction. Here are a few reasons trade shows are here to stay.


Face to Face Interaction.

Most people want and need face-to-face interaction with other people. I know that I prefer to speak to a person who can answer me directly if I’m interested in a product and had questions than look at a FAQ page online. Although advances in technology and our online culture insists there are better ways to do business, nothing can replace the value of interacting face to face.


Social media can’t replace the real thing.

Social media sites are valuable tools to promote and communicate before during and after a show. You can utilise your social media as much as you like, but remember that people generally want to connect in person. Talking to someone through a post is an entirely different experience to talking with someone face to face and can be the difference between winning or losing a sale.


You have to see it to believe it.

You can become an expert at sharing content through social media updates or blogging but your customer is missing the interpersonal element. Your customer cannot hear your tone of voice or see your body language through a screen, which makes it difficult to emote trust, confidence and credibility. When it comes to selling a product, there is no substitute for the opportunity to see a live demonstration and “touch and feel” in person.


You have their attention.

Your meeting is happening NOW. The meeting arranged via an electronic medium may or may not happen. Emails and messages get delayed, people go on holiday or it becomes difficult to make a time that suits both of your schedules. Any distractions that weaken your message could make it easier for your prospect to think about you later. When you speak with someone face to face, it is easier to keep their attention. The beauty of trade shows is that your audience of prospects is there, ready to talk.



The exhibition landscape has changed considerably during the last few years. While social media is a wonderful tool to promote and communicate, there is no replacement for personal interaction. Without doubt it is one of the simplest and most effective marketing mediums available. Companies who understand these reasons can use them to their advantage and get great value out of trade show for years to come.


Please contact Spyder Displays sales team for the best display solution for your next trade show event.